Consent to Search I,hereby authorizean Officer employed by the Menifee Police Department to conduct a complete search of: Motor Vehicle Residence Other Motor Vehicle: Description / License Number / VINAddress of ResidenceOther – DescriptionI acknowledge that I understand this authorization is for a complete search of the entire premises, including garages, outbuildings, sheds, any vehicles located on the property or anything else that I may have control over, including sealed or unsealed container or storage places located within said structures, and/or vehicles. This Officer, and any others who may assist him/her, are authorized by me to conduct any necessary investigation, including but not limited to, taking photographs, the performing of chemical testing, lifting fingerprints, and removing any items which they deem to be of investigative and/or evidentiary value. I understand that a list of any items removed will be supplied to me. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO CONSENT TO THE SEARCH DESCRIBED ABOVE AND TO REFUSE TO SIGN THIS FORM.This authorization is being given freely and voluntarily and without any threats or promises of any kind. Resident Tenant Owner NamePrint name of subject giving consentDateTimeSubject's AddressSignatureOfficerOfficer I.D.#WitnessWitness I.D.#Enter your email address to receive a copy of the form(Required)